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Leverage the talent of others to your


WELCOME TO the legacy builders network!
Leverage the talent of others to your


Let's work 2gether 4
Your 7inancial Legacy

Looking for community?

Your vibe attracts your tribe. Join a group of exciting individuals whose vibe will rub off on you.​

Together Each Achieves More

Trade ego for equity.  To get what you want, you must be dedicated to help others get what they want.​

What We Offer

A wealth of experience & a personal development program with a high compensation attached.​

The goal is freedom by building a financial legacy through networking!

financial freedom

Financial Freedom

Having the financial resources to do whatever you want, whenever you want for whomever you want while leaving a financial legacy for your family.

Personal Freedom

Not having anyone tell you when you can come and go just because they sign your check.

personal freedom
time freedom

Time Freedom

The time to do whatever you want, whenever you want, with whomever you want to do it with.

Successful networking is driven by values!

It is the heart of the founder to operate with integrity and with total transparency.  Network marketing only works when relationships are built on this foundational truth.

Viewpoints on Network Marketing

The Unified Mind

The Unified Mind

Why Network Marketing

Why Network Marketing

Women and Home-based Travel Business

Women and Home-based Travel Business

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Who We Are

Disclaimer: The Legacy Builders Network (TLBN) is a team of like-minded entrepreneurs.  Although individually we are Network Marketing Reps for a legitimate home-based business, TLBN itself is not directly associated with the company we represent.  

©The Legacy Builders Network (TLBN)  Copyright 2022 All Rights Reserved


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We are a value driven team

It is the heart of our founder to operate with integrity and total transparency.
